Archivo del blog

domingo, 31 de enero de 2021



Esta mañana repasando

Los cajones de la Metida

La casona de mis mayores

Encontré esta terrible fotografía

Un joven de mono azul la cara vendada

Con paño negro

Pero erguido ante la muerte

no sé su nombre

Comparece ante el pelotón de fusilamiento

Tenía 21 años

Siete hombres sin piedad uniforme de guardias de asalto


Un miliciano

Cabo de varas

Da la orden de fuego

Se oye un grito Viva Cristo Rey

Arriba España

Se ven los muros de la cárcel de Oviedo

Un álamo de luto asoma su quima por la tapia del presidio

Si los árboles tuvieran ojos

De aquella escena su mirada apartaría

Todos visten de uniforme

Menos un esbirro que comparece

En mangas de camisa

El reo alza los brazos

Y casi se escucha el grito pecho a las balas

Viva Cristo Rey

Arriba España

Era un 17 de agosto de 1936

Hacía un calor pegajoso de calima

Los montes del Naranco

Aplanados por el bochorno

No querían ante aquel crimen

Mandar su brisa y su sonrisa

Todos en alpargatas

Los esbirros fratricidas

Que mataron a un mozo

A sangre fría

ocurrió tras una saca infame

Una noche de cuchillos largos

Se había escapado del frente

Cruzó el Nalón y en Vetusta

Lo guareció un primo ovetense

Cuando los nacionales tomaron Monte Santana y Artedo

Lo cazaron en un pinar

Eran un enlace de las tropas nacionales

Iba de descubierta

Memoria histórica

Mi alma sangra

Cuando lanzan esa palabra a los vientos

Ya todo lo creíamos

Olvidado y perdonado

Virgen de Covadonga

Tenlo en tu reino

¿Te apiadarás de España?

Unos y otros calzaban alpargatas

eran españoles...

verdugos y victimas

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021


PUESTO que no sois vosotros quien habla sino el Espíritu del Padre que habla por vuestra boca (Mt. X, 20”

En la fiesta de san Juan Crisostomo lo recuerdo bien un retórico echaba un sermón en griego desde el púlpito del refectorio en el seminario de Comillas. Transcurridos más de cincuenta años yo recuerdo a aquel seminarista latino al que le tocó hacer el panegírico. 

Era un muchacho algo petizo bien encarado y tipo listo de Santander,amigo de Bedoya, EL PERIODISTA DEL "PAIS", MUY ROJO Y MUY AMIGO MÍO,y le salían las frases en la lengua helénica con entusiasmo que apabullaba sobre todo en las interjecciones que acabaña en “ge”. No sé si llegaría a cantar misa aquel cántabro pero apuntaba maneras de orador sagrado, una verdadera boquita de oro". Me hubiera gustado saber de él

Supe luego que de aquel curso sólo se ordenarían dos: Antonio Pelayo un vallisoletano elegante con maneras de rector magnífico que se convertiría en eminente vaticanologo corresponsal del YA y de la COPE en Roma. 

otro fue Aramburu el que me enseñó a jugar a pala, que se fue a Buenos Aires y allí colgó los hábitos. Es pariente o tío de  Fernando Aramburu del gran escritor de éxito que puso en órbita “Patria” una de las novelas más vendidas.

 Bien me acuerdo de aquel refectorio iluminado cuyas ventanas daban al campus del  Stella Maris; nos servía al desayuno un criado gallego que se hizo amigo mío y me permitía repetir tazón hasta tres tazones con sus correspondientes bollos suizos. 

Luego vendría la desbandada del Vaticano II. No está mal decir que ETA nació en un seminario. Nos desperdigamos pero queda el recuerdo entrañable de aquella adolescencia manejada no sé si sabiamente por aquellos buenos padres jesuitas quienes sufrieron también su crisis. 

Habrá que poner a esta oración el sufijo griego “ge” que significa concholis no faltaba más. 

Se trataba de infundirnos el espíritu de la elocuencia que iluminó a uno de los principales padres de la iglesia oriental, emulo de Basilio y Gregorio el Grande. 

Acababa el octavario de la unión de las iglesias. Era el día del panegírico a cargo del seminarista retórico más aventajado. 

Aquel día fui yo a pedirle la muda al hermano de la guardarropía y a duras penas me logré entender con él porque el Hermano Echeverría sólo hablaba vascuence: “¿Tú ropa blanca quieres tener o así”… “Sí, hermano Echeverría, vienen marcadas con el número 288, el número en rojo que me bordó mi tía Dominica la de Fuentepiñel Segovia cuando ingresé en el seminario”.

 Echeverría  no entendía el cristiano. Yo estaba apurado porque tenía la sotana hecha un desastre después de caerme en el barro y carecía de la muda para cambiarme  los gayumbos 

El padre Heras nuestro maestrillo prefecto vino al quite y dio con mis calzoncillos. 

Al padre Heras le recuerdo con mucho cariño porque me ayudaba en las dificultades lo mismo que el padre Martino el asturleonés que nos enseñaba literatura. 

No así el Padre Ector un tal Eguillor que era un cabrón y fue el que me mandó para casa. “Tú no vales para Comillas, te nos has colado”. Era un bilbaíno muy bruto aquel Eguillor.

 Sin embargo, para mis desdichas vino a predecir un trauma con el cual he tenido que pechar toda mi vida: me expulsan de todas sinagogas. 

Con todo y eso, para orgullo de los que seguimos a Cristo portando su cruz, siempre hay un padre Heras que me sacan del marasmo.

 Benditos sean tanto él como el P. Martino el español que más sabe de la historia de Roma y creo que vive todavía muy ancianito al borde de cumplir un siglo en Villagarcía  la residencia  leonesa de jesuitas ancianos en la misma casa de la Compañía en la que residió el P. Isla autor del fray Gerundio.

Afirmadas tales razones, he de confesar que no seguí la senda de fray Gerundio de Campazas sino la estrella que ilumina a los amantes de la palabra en la belleza de Cristo que es el bien, la hermosura y la misericordia ─la gracia divina opera subterránea portada por los humildes y sencillos, no se la ve─ tratando de seguir a aquel gran obispo de Constantinopla que decía: “el corazón de san Pablo late al unísono con el corazón de Xto”.

 Fustigaba los vicios. Su tesón iluminado por el Verbo Divino chocó contra las fuerzas vivas de su tiempo y fue desterrado y despojado de su mitra. Murió en el Ponto en 407. A través de su elocuencia se expresaba el Espíritu . Ge. ¡A ver quién da más! Bendita y alabada sea la Santa Trinidad!

jueves, 21 de enero de 2021


El 20 de enero de 1977 asistí a la jura presidencial del presidente Jimmy Carter. Fue mi primera crónica como corresponsal de Pyresa y LNE enfrentándome a un mundo apabullante donde todo era grande: los ríos, las ciudades, las montañas, las distancias. En América todo lo humano tiene cabida. 

Vi pasar a las mujeres más hermosas y elegantes y en los despeñaderos del Bowry en Manhattan me crucé con los seres humanos más degradados, los locos, las putas, los ex convictos, los veteranos de la guerra de Vietnam que se dieron al trago. Es un inmenso y poderoso país donde todo tiene asiento desde lo sublime a lo degradante. Era un lujo para mí abrir el New York Times todas las mañanas, algo que entusiasmaba a mis dos grandes maestros ambos gallegos Blanco Tobío y Celso Collazo. 

La estancia de casi cinco años en Nueva York alteró mi forma de ver el mundo y hasta cambié físicamente pues engordé veinte kilos y es que la comida que compraba mi mujer en las grandes superficies ▬particularmente la leche− la echaban polvos finos.

Ayer por televisión reviví mis vivencias de hace 44 años y es que Joe Biden por su estilo suave lleno de lenidad me recuerda un poco a Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Who pues naddie comprendía como un manisero de Georgia con pinta de aldeano hubiera podido llegar a sentarse en el Despacho de la Sala Oval).

Estados Unidos es una nación que siempre sorprende, te deja perplejo, no puedes por menos de amarla u odiarla. Trump con todo lo que dicen algunos mastuerzos que desconocen la historia y la idiosincrasia de los norteamericanos ▬ me aterra por su gran poder y por el omecillo que sienten hacia España y me emociona por su dura grandeza▬ no era del redil. 

Cometió muchísimos errores. Venía del mundo del ladrillo, con la construcción se hizo millonario, y no era lo que se dice un wasp (White, anglo, saxon, protestant) una elite con carácter liberal que ganó todas las guerras excepto la de Vietnam. Trump no era más que un advenedizo del dinero que morirá jubilado en ese cementerio de elefantes que es el estado de la Florida donde residen los neoyorquinos jubilados.

Aquel día de San Sebastián Gerry Ford el presidente saliente le dio a Jimmy Carter los trastos de matar esto es el maletín nuclear. 

A esta hora no sé si Trump que era refractario a ejecutar tal obligación en el traspaso de poderes, lo habrá hecho. Carter fue el precursor de Reagan quien apostó por ganar a los rusos la guerra de las galaxias saliendo victorioso en el intento. Obtuvo ventaja en la carrera armamentística y espacial (edge and leveredge) afianzándose como primera potencia mundial. Preparaban ya los poderosos servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos la caída de la Unión Soviética honor que le cupo a George Bush padre en la reunión a bordo del “Tireless” una tormentosa víspera de navidad.

Como el piso en que vivíamos en Manhattan se llevaban más de medio sueldo nos trasladamos a vivir en un adosado en Staten Island a hora y media de la ONU. Para ir a Nueva York tenía que tomar un barco, el ferry de la Isla de los Muertos.

Allí nacieron tres de mis cuatro hijos y a mi mujer asturiana le gustaba Nueva York, excepto las nevadas, que Londres. Era un barrio judío y recuerdo que cuando llegamos el vecino nos trajo una tarta y una jícara de café. Era un israelita del que me hice muy amigo y conversamos largo y tendido una vez estuvimos dándole a la húmeda toda la tarde arreglando el mundo, cada uno con sus propios puntos de vista. 

En la casa de más allá residía una familia alemana Dieter y Hannelore que no querían hablar de su pasado nazi. 

Venida la navidad, los judíos celebraban la Janucha y colocaban en el parterre de entrada un gran candelabro con las luces encendidas. Los italianos para no ser menos exhibían un Belen y un Niño Jesús monumental. Maria José se hizo amiga de una japonesita casada con un norteamericano. Fue una gran experiencia multietnica. 

Tuve algunas dificultades con el Departamento de Estado por mis críticas a Kissinger, el abrazo a Carrero Blanco, el coche que voló etc. 

Sin embargo, la grandeza de los USA estriba en el First Amendement de la constitución de Jefferson que garantiza la libertad de juicio y la libre expansión de las ideas. Y a mí me respetaron aunque estuvieron a punto de expulsarme del país.

En la era Carter se diagramó la transición en España. Santiago Carrillo daba conferencias en Columbia Felipe González visitaba a Rockefeller. 

Los del PSOE renunciaban al marxismo de Pablo Iglesias y se uncían al carro de la democracia capitalista.

Mis colegas Hermida, Cirilo Rodriguez, Alberto Valverde, Foix el de la Vanguardia y Maraña o Julio Camarero se deshacían en elogios a los nuevos jaques políticos del post franquismo. Y de paso ponían el cazo en demanda de una posible sinecura.

Yo, humilde corresponsal español, en medio de aquel ambiente de cascadas turbulentas, trataba de nadar y guardar la ropa para ganar las aguas válidas de la orilla, sin renunciar a la defensa de los valores humanos culturales y espirituales que hicieron insigne a nuestro país entre los gringos. 

Pude sondear que en el fondo sentían admiración hacia el imperio español desde nuestra derrota en el 98; tan es así que copiaron para su escudo de la insignia de los Reyes Católicos el yugo y las flechas, el yugo de la unidad y la labor y las flechas del poderío. Por eso y por otras muchas cosas más no me cabe otra opción que desearle a Joseph Biden éxitos en su gestión. Por todo esto y mucho más

God bless America

martes, 19 de enero de 2021

 El peregrino ruso

  • oración constante al andar por los caminos escabrosas de la vida. Vía unitiva y hesicasmo de quietud en la certidumbre deque todo pasa. No así tu palabra, Señor. Comprendí entonces el don de la filocalía y el amor a la belleza pero a Dios no se le puede explicar. Hay que sentirlo en la belleza del canto, se plasma en el arte de la pintura y la arquitectura. El cristianismo es liturgia y tradición. Constante presencia de Dios. Nada importa de lo que pasa. Alejo todo pensamiento. Aprendí la manera sinaítica. Para mí escriboir es una forma de rezar, vivo un exilio interior. La palabra salva. Es un dardo que procede del aljaba de Señor, que conmueve y traspasa. Camino verstas y más verstas. Treinta kilómetros muchos días y no me siento cansado. La plegaria alivia mis dolores, con ella renuncio a las pasiones pero nada de lo humano me es ajeno: la lujuria, la envidia, la traición. Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos lava mi culpa en la cual fui engendrado. He encontrado a Dios mediante la quietud, escuchando el sonido de la respiración mientras mis labios musitan lña letanía del Kirie eleyson. El hesicasmo viene de la palabra griega “hesikia” que quiere decir quietud con la cual pacifico y me uno a la renuncia. El mundo es bello pero este no es más que un alto en el camino hacia una vida mejor. Apenas voy a la iglesia católica. Mi templo es el cielo raso el gran sabaoth o el apartamiento de mi celda. Donde gozo de la libertad tan española. Por la noche mirop las estrellas bajo la helada del Día del Bautiosmo del Señor la gran fiesta de la ortodoxia rusa. Los popes bendicen las aguas y algunos fieles exaltados se revuelcan en el hielo purificador. Señor, lava mis culpas. Soy un yurodivi, un pobre vagabundo, no otra cosa soy, un loco de Cristo. Las gentes me miran con compasión. ¿Adonde oirá ese majara de Dios? Lejos de la apologética y la teología occidental el Oriente me llevó hacia la senda de las grandes verdades evangélicas hacia la palabra que no pasará en un mundo cambiante. Este desasimiento me libra de la vanidad de agobios y preocupaciones. Soy dispsomanos y Cuando siento ganas de echar un trago abro un capitulo del evangelio de Marcos y se me pasan las ansias del alcohol. “pokaiani” ces la palabra rusa que más me gusta significa tranquilidad y arrepentimiento. La iglesia católica debe recuperar su esencia en la iglesia oriental. Nosotros divinizamos al hombre lo endiosamos. Ellos humanizan a Dios. Todo es muy simple y sencillo en el cristianismo. Busco así el reino de Dios y todo lo demás se nos dará por añadidura. No temais. La peste pasará, como pasaremos nosotros pecadores pero Su Palabra no pasará. Basta de escudriñar y de explicar. Dios es lo bello, lo bueno y lo perfecto. La fuerza del Paráclito se oculta en la sonrisa de un niño en el médico que atiende a un enfermo en el maestro que enseña a los párvulos el abecedario y en el joven que ayuda a cruzar un semáforo a un anciano. Sí, yo soy un yurodivi, un borracho un pecador pero predico en estas págiinas la palabra de Dios. Nada me asusta. Entro en las cárceles en los hospitales en los lupanares en las casas de contratación y hay una coraza que me pone a salvo de los dardos enemigos. Un vagabundo, un pirado, locura de Cristo en mis genes. Salgo al campo de la Red a desfacer entuertos a librar a las doncellas en peligro y a ofrecer a mis semejantes un poco de amor y compasión


yurodivi peregrino ruso




Voy por el mundo

Con mi alforja al hombro

Recorriendo los pueblos y ciudades de la estepa

Un rosario y un evangelio

En la mochila

Todo está bien

El Señor hizo una obra perfecta

Cruzo los montes

Atravieso los vados

Me sonríen las estrellas

Oración constante

Amor y misericordia

Purgo mis pecados

Fui un alcohólico

Cuando me dan ganas de beber

Leo un capitulo del evangelio

Y arrojo lejos de mí la botella de vodka la danza del agüita del pecado

Donde bailan los diablos

Dentro del cristal

Rezar me relaciona con el cosmos

Me miran las estrellas

Bebo el agua de los arroyos

Y como pan de mijo

Soy un humilde yurodivi

Duermo en los pajares

Llegado a una aldea

Digo paz a esta casa

Si  no me acogen

La paz vuelve a mi

Curo a los enfermos

Pongo paz entre los hombres y las mujeres

Deshago las disputas matrimoniales

Regalo flores a los niños

Camino hacia la Jerusalén celeste

Como monje itinerante

Vagabundo de Cristo

Canto el Akazistos a la madre del Verbo encarnado

Arropado en el orarion de diácono

Y Ella me  saca de los peligros

Enjuga mis lágrimas

En la desdicha

Soy la voluntad de orar

Que es la voluntad de ser

Las reliquias de los santos

Las llevo en el macuto

Soy un heraldo de la belleza

Soy un peregrino ruso

Riudavets el librero de lance

Es mi staretz

Él me enseñó a andar y desandar

Los caminos de la literatura

Estoy solo

Nadie hablará de mí

Pobre monje anónimo

El Señor Jesús llevo conmigo

domingo, 17 de enero de 2021

 CELA 19 AÑOS SIN ÉL          


Hoy día de san Antón (hasta san Antón pascuas son y la gallina pon)

Se cumplen 19 inviernos del sepelio de CJC.

El maestro duerme al pie de un olivo grecal, el árbol símbolo del eterno Israel, en tumba humilde de tierra del camposanto de Iria Flavia en la trasera de la románica iglesia de san Pedro Mezoncio el obispo que compuso el himno Salve Regina.

Nada mejor para llorar a un escritor que leerle y yo estoy en divertida danza con su gran libro sobre erotismo y me topo con esta perla:

un sargento de la escala de la reserva

con la polla abría latas de conserva

y un sargento de un tabor de Regulares

con la pija hacía juegos malabares

pero un teniente de la misma compañía

por mucho que lo intentaba

no podía

moraleja: en cuestión de cojones

la milicia no admite graduaciones

La chusma propagandística que anda por estos días ensalzando a Galdós, el que quería comerle el parrús a la Pardo Bazán y chuparle el opulento tetamen, no sabe que don Benito el Garbancero era un poco sicalíptico y morboso, parece haberse olvidado de él, acusando de fascista a uno de los mayores genios del idioma castellano.

 Cela sin embargo en esta obra de arte que es el Diccionario Secreto rehuye lo morboso y se muestra lozano y sin tabúes a la hora de abordar un tema como es el erotismo a sabiendas de que es sucia pero inevitable parte de lo humano.

Las palabras más en boca de los hispanos prohibidas por el diccionario tienen un carácter erótico. Decimos coño, joder, cagüen la leche, nos ha jodido mayo y otras similares a todas las horas.

Ya lo decía el maestro en un debate parlamentario; no es lo mismo dormir que estar durmiendo como tampoco es igual estar jodido que estar jodiendo. Esto de joder la marrana es muy español. Joder viene del latín fodio que es lo mismo que cavar. Fodio fodis fodere fosi  fosum de la tercera conjugación irregular (desenterrar, abrir fosos. Punzar, atravesar, espolear, darle a uno con el aguijón).

Por irreversible umlaut, cuando las consonantes palatales intervocálicas trocaron la f en h  y luego en jota, lo convertimos en el vocablo más en boga. Otra indefectible palabra es coño no vayamos a Logroño donde se guarda el coño de la Bernarda en un recipiente, que debía de ser muy bonito aunque los coños sean siempre de por sí bastante feos y sepan muy rico.

 Procede también del sustantivo latino cuneus (cuña). Perdió su significado original de sustantivo y es una interjección en boca de todos a todas horas. De los cojones una voz frecuentísima y del que Cela realiza en este libro un estudio concienzudo y cabal ya hablaremos en otra ocasión.

 Se le puede acusar de todo al bueno de Camilo que tenía algunos golpes que aterraban a la parroquia (en Asturias no era bienquisto desde que se metió con la Virgen de Covadonga "ye pequeñina y galana pues que e joda") se le puede acusar de todo menos de obscenidad.

Era un tipo muy sano yo lo conocí que colocó estas cuestiones del coito sexual en el lugar que se merecen, en su categoría excretoria y fisiológica como el cagar o el mear pero sin complejos ni morbosidades. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino.




 CELA 19 AÑOS SIN ÉL          


Hoy día de san Antón (hasta san Antón pascuas son y la gallina pon)

Se cumplen 19 inviernos del sepelio de CJC.

El maestro duerme al pie de un olivo grecal, el árbol símbolo del eterno Israel, en tumba humilde de tierra del camposanto de Iria Flavia en la trasera de la románica iglesia de san Pedro Mezoncio el obispo que compuso el himno Salve Regina.

Nada mejor para llorar a un escritor que leerle y yo estoy en divertida danza con su gran libro sobre erotismo y me topo con esta perla:

un sargento de la escala de la reserva

con la polla abría latas de conserva

y un sargento de un tabor de Regulares

con la pija hacía juegos malabares

pero un teniente de la misma compañía

por mucho que lo intentaba

no podía

moraleja: en cuestión de cojones

la milicia no admite graduaciones

La chusma propagandística que anda por estos días ensalzando a Galdós, el que quería comerle el parrús a la Pardo Bazán y chuparle el opulento tetamen, no sabe que don Benito el Garbancero era un poco sicalíptico y morboso, parece haberse olvidado de él, acusando de fascista a uno de los mayores genios del idioma castellano.

 Cela sin embargo en esta obra de arte que es el Diccionario Secreto rehuye lo morboso y se muestra lozano y sin tabúes a la hora de abordar un tema como es el erotismo a sabiendas de que es sucia pero inevitable parte de lo humano.

Las palabras más en boca de los hispanos prohibidas por el diccionario tienen un carácter erótico. Decimos coño, joder, cagüen la leche, nos ha jodido mayo y otras similares a todas las horas.

Ya lo decía el maestro en un debate parlamentario; no es lo mismo dormir que estar durmiendo como tampoco es igual estar jodido que estar jodiendo. Esto de joder la marrana es muy español. Joder viene del latín fodio que es lo mismo que cavar. Fodio fodis fodere fosi  fosum de la tercera conjugación irregular (desenterrar, abrir fosos. Punzar, atravesar, espolear, darle a uno con el aguijón).

Por irreversible umlaut, cuando las consonantes palatales intervocálicas trocaron la f en h  y luego en jota, lo convertimos en el vocablo más en boga. Otra indefectible palabra es coño no vayamos a Logroño donde se guarda el coño de la Bernarda en un recipiente, que debía de ser muy bonito aunque los coños sean siempre de por sí bastante feos y sepan muy rico.

 Procede también del sustantivo latino cuneus (cuña). Perdió su significado original de sustantivo y es una interjección en boca de todos a todas horas. De los cojones una voz frecuentísima y del que Cela realiza en este libro un estudio concienzudo y cabal ya hablaremos en otra ocasión.

 Se le puede acusar de todo al bueno de Camilo que tenía algunos golpes que aterraban a la parroquia (en Asturias no era bienquisto desde que se metió con la Virgen de Covadonga "ye pequeñina y galana pues que e joda") se le puede acusar de todo menos de obscenidad.

Era un tipo muy sano yo lo conocí que colocó estas cuestiones del coito sexual en el lugar que se merecen, en su categoría excretoria y fisiológica como el cagar o el mear pero sin complejos ni morbosidades. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino.




viernes, 15 de enero de 2021

 Los dos primeros caídos de la Batalla de Brunete. Homenaje en Majadahonda. SE RECUERDA TAMBIEN A LOS DOS RUMANOS MOTTA Y MARIN CAIDOS EN MAJADAHONDA

Mota y Marín dos jóvenes estudiantes rumanos se alistaron en el Tercio y vinieron a pelear a España en defensa de los valores e ideales cristianos. Fueron alcanzados por un disparo de artillería en las lomas que circundan Majadahonda dando vista a los terreros que sirven de atalaya al Valle del Guadarrama y del Aulencia. Fue erigido un monumento de granito en su memoria. Gloria eterna a los dos primeros caídos de la Batalla de Brunete. El hecho ocurrió el 13 de enero de 1937 según demuestro en mi libro REMEMBER BRUNETE LA BATALLA DE LA SED.  

Como todos los años se celebró un responso oficiado por un pope ortodoxo y un diácono por su eterno descanso al que asistió una nutrida representación de juventudes falangistas y de patriotas rumanos venidos expresamente desde Bucarest para el acto. Sucumbieron en los prolegómenos de la gran batalla que tuvo por campo los tesos de Villafranca del Castillo, Villanueva del Pardillo, Villanueva de la Cañada, Quijorna, Colmenarejo y el propio Brunete. En Majadahonda se produjo el repliegue gubernamental ante la presión de las tropas de Lister, del General Buruaga, de los requetés de Alonso Vega (que por cierto encuadraban dos compañías catalanas, la Roger de Laura y la Agustina de Aragón) 

Días después de la muerte de los dos rumanos aconteció el derribo del primer “Heinkel” de la División Cóndor abatido por piezas del quince y medio de la artillería de Modesto. El piloto se llamaba Rudi Eppert y contó con un monolito en la cuesta del Pardillo. Un alcalde socialista lo mandó quitar. Sin embargo, su nombre pervive en la memoria como plasma la foto del cipo funerario y las banderas que volvieron a ondear esta mañana gélida en los cerros majariegos. Vuelvo a recomendarles, lectores, mi libro REMEMBER BRUNETE LA BATALLA DE LA SED escrito en la memoria de estos valientes y en la esperanza de que los españoles no echemos al olvido sus recuerdos.

Al final del acto se cantó el Cara al Sol y el Himno de la Guardia de Hierro 

 Los dos primeros caídos de la Batalla de Brunete. Homenaje en Majadahonda. SE RECUERDA TAMBIEN A LOS DOS RUMANOS MOTTA Y MARIN CAIDOS EN MAJADAHONDA

Mota y Marín dos jóvenes estudiantes rumanos se alistaron en el Tercio y vinieron a pelear a España en defensa de los valores e ideales cristianos. Fueron alcanzados por un disparo de artillería en las lomas que circundan Majadahonda dando vista a los terreros que sirven de atalaya al Valle del Guadarrama y del Aulencia. Fue erigido un monumento de granito en su memoria. Gloria eterna a los dos primeros caídos de la Batalla de Brunete. El hecho ocurrió el 13 de enero de 1937 según demuestro en mi libro REMEMBER BRUNETE LA BATALLA DE LA SED.  

Como todos los años se celebró un responso oficiado por un pope ortodoxo y un diácono por su eterno descanso al que asistió una nutrida representación de juventudes falangistas y de patriotas rumanos venidos expresamente desde Bucarest para el acto. Sucumbieron en los prolegómenos de la gran batalla que tuvo por campo los tesos de Villafranca del Castillo, Villanueva del Pardillo, Villanueva de la Cañada, Quijorna, Colmenarejo y el propio Brunete. En Majadahonda se produjo el repliegue gubernamental ante la presión de las tropas de Lister, del General Buruaga, de los requetés de Alonso Vega (que por cierto encuadraban dos compañías catalanas, la Roger de Laura y la Agustina de Aragón) 

Días después de la muerte de los dos rumanos aconteció el derribo del primer “Heinkel” de la División Cóndor abatido por piezas del quince y medio de la artillería de Modesto. El piloto se llamaba Rudi Eppert y contó con un monolito en la cuesta del Pardillo. Un alcalde socialista lo mandó quitar. Sin embargo, su nombre pervive en la memoria como plasma la foto del cipo funerario y las banderas que volvieron a ondear esta mañana gélida en los cerros majariegos. Vuelvo a recomendarles, lectores, mi libro REMEMBER BRUNETE LA BATALLA DE LA SED escrito en la memoria de estos valientes y en la esperanza de que los españoles no echemos al olvido sus recuerdos.

Al final del acto se cantó el Cara al Sol y el Himno de la Guardia de Hierro 

martes, 12 de enero de 2021

españa vende armas al enemigo. Con esta patrullera n pueden atacar


La venta de una patrullera a Marruecos destensa la difícil relación con España

Navantia construirá un buque de vigilancia en pleno debate sobre

Los astilleros de San Fernando (Cádiz) en los que trabaja Navantia han logrado un contrato con la Marina Real de Marruecos para diseñar y construir un patrullero de altura que supondrá un millón de horas de trabajo y cerca de 250 empleos durante los próximos tres años y medio. El coste estimado del buque es de unos 120 millones de euros, aunque falta por conocer un aspecto esencial: qué país dotará el equipamiento operativo.



Donald Trump DENIES all responsibility for MAGA riot saying speech to mob was 'totally appropriate' and accuses Democrats of 'causing tremendous danger' by impeaching him

  • Trump breaks days of public silence as he boards Marine One then Air Force One to head for Alamo, Texas, to inspect his border wall
  •  In his first public remarks since Wednesday's MAGA storming of the Capitol, the president slammed Democrats, accusing them of creating 'tremendous danger' with their attempt to remove him from office
  • He defended his speech at a rally on the Ellipse, where he encouraged his thousands of supporters to 'march' on the Capitol and told them to 'fight'
  • 'If you read my speech - and many people have done it and I've seen it both in the papers and in the media, on television, it is been analyzed - and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate,' he said
  • 'They've analyzed my speech and my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence and everybody to a tee thought it was totally appropriate.' 
  • He ignored a question about resigning and claimed'I want no violence' 
  • Democrats will vote later Tuesday on a motion demanding Mike Pence use the 25 Amendment to remove Trump and then vote to impeach Trump on a single of article of 'incitement to insurrection' Wednesday
  • But question now is how many Republicans will back impeachment and whether Trump refusing to accept any blame at all angers them further 
  • Trump had a 'tense' 30 minute conversation with the most senior Republican in the House on Monday
  • During the call Trump told Kevin McCarthy he thought 'ANTIFA people' were behind Wednesday's insurrection

President Donald Trump on Tuesday denied all responsibility for last week's riot on Capitol Hill, saying his firery speech to his supporters before they marched on the Capitol was 'totally appropriate.'

In his first public remarks since Wednesday's MAGA storming of the Capitol, the president slammed Democrats, accusing them of creating 'tremendous danger' with their attempt to remove him from office but said repeatedly he wanted 'no violence.'

The president defended his speech at a rally on ellipse, where he encouraged his thousands of supporters to 'march' on the Capitol. 

They did so, leaving five dead and a path of destruction in their wake in the form of busted windows, broken furniture and destroyed office space. Dozens have now been rounded up by police and FBI.

'If you read my speech - and many people have done it and I've seen it both in the papers and in the media, on television, it is been analyzed - and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate,' he said as he boarded Air Force One to head for Alamo, Texas, on the Mexican border, to inspect his wall.

'They've analyzed my speech and my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence and everybody to a tee thought it was totally appropriate,' he continued. He offered no indication of who 'they' are; Democrats accuse him in their article of impeachment 

Trump also denounced the Democrats' efforts, which has been joined by some Republicans, to remove him from office - and called it a 'danger,' not his supporters' actions.

But, he said he wanted no violence from his supporters. Trump reportedly had initially enjoyed the sight of his supporters on Capitol Hill last week, fighting for him to illegally take a second term in the White House. He changed his tune and called on them to stand down when he warned he could be held legally responsible for their actions.

'We want no violence, never violence. We want absolutely no violence,' he said repeatedly Tuesday before he left for Texas to tout the completion of a section of his border wall.

'And on the impeachment, it's really a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics. It's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. This impeachment is causing tremendous anger,' he said.

He denounced Democratic leaders but made no mention of the Republicans who have called on him to leave office.

'It's really a terrible thing that they're doing for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to continue on this path. I think it's causing tremendous danger to our country, and it's causing tremendous anger, I want no violence,' he said.

Not resigning: Donald Trump spoke in public for the first time since the MAGA riots, taking no responsibility and ignoring a question about whether he would resign

'I want no violence.' Trump claimed he was not fomenting riots - but then said his impeachment, which the House votes on Wednesday, is 'causing tremendous anger'

'I want no violence.' Trump claimed he was not fomenting riots - but then said his impeachment, which the House votes on Wednesday, is 'causing tremendous anger'

Farewell: Trump's trip to Texas is the only scheduled time away from the White House between now and leaving office. He is widely expected to fly to Florida on January 19, the day before Joe Biden is sworn in

Farewell: Trump's trip to Texas is the only scheduled time away from the White House between now and leaving office. He is widely expected to fly to Florida on January 19, the day before Joe Biden is sworn in 

Off to Alamo (not that one): Trump boarded Marine One to head for the Mexican border in Texas the town of Alamo, which is named for The Alamo but about 200 miles from the site of the original

Off to Alamo (not that one): Trump boarded Marine One to head for the Mexican border in Texas the town of Alamo, which is named for The Alamo but about 200 miles from the site of the original

Out of the White House: Trump's flight to Air Force One will be one of his last trips from the South Lawn

Out of the White House: Trump's flight to Air Force One will be one of his last trips from the South Lawn

Later Tuesday, the House will vote on legislation calling on Vice President Mike Pence to start the process to remove Trump via the 25th amendment. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi set an ultimatum Monday that if Trump does not resign or Vice President Mike Pence does not invoke the 25th Amendment, the House will move forward with impeaching the president for a second time.

The House will hold a vote Tuesday evening on a non-binding demand that Pence invoke the 25th Amendment. 

Pence's advisers say he is opposed to this measure, indicating he will likely not move forward with meeting pressures from congressional Democrats in Trump's final eight days.

Republicans who have publicly broken with Trump since Wednesday's Capitol riots 

 Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.)

Said Trump 'committed impeachable offenses.'

Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah)

Said the president had caused 'this insurrection.'

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

Called on Trump to resign. ' I want him out.'

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.)

Said Trump 'caused' the riot and called his response 'completely inadequate'

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.)

Called for Trump to resign and called 25th Amendment the 'next best thing.' Said he would 'vote the right way' on impeachment, without endorsing the tactic.

Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.)

Said fellow Republicans told 'lied' and 'deceived' and called what happened an 'act of domestic terrorism'


The House could vote as early as Wednesday at 9am on articles of impeachment. Pelosi told '60 Minutes' in an interview that aired Sunday that she prefers the 25th Amendment because that forces immediate removal, while impeachment wouldn't be resolved before Trump's term is up.

She fears Trump could use his final days to do more damage – like pardoning the mob who stormed the Capitol. 

The Senate is in recess, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said they would not reconvene earlier than January 19 to receive articles from the House. 

This means even if the lower chamber did elevate impeachment, action wouldn't be taken on the measure until the day before Joe Biden's inauguration at the earliest.

Trump's refusal to accept responsibility is likely to only anger further Democrats, but it is the Republican House and Senate caucus' reactions which will set his fate. 

Some Republicans have already called for him to go but none has so far publicly backed impeachment.

Lindsey Graham, who claimed he was 'done' with the president last week, appeared to have had a dramatic change of heart and was traveling with him on Air Force One.

But others have privately said they need to see Trump take some responsibility, meaning his refusal could drive them into the Democrats' camp on impeachment.

Trump also road-tested a defense for his impeachment in his remarks. 

At the end of Trump's remarks, he appeared to reference guidance he has received from attorneys and aides about the content of his Wednesday speech – which form the basis for the impeachment article charging him with 'incitement of insurrection.'

His comment follows reports that White House counsel Pat Cipollone had warned Trump that he faces potential legal exposure for the remarks he made to the crowd that went on to storm the Capitol.

Although Trump did not specifically tell anyone to break a window or trespass, he did tell them to 'fight,' that 'when you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules,' that 'we're going to have to fight much harder,' and that 'if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.'

He also spoke as if Vice President Mike Pence could make a difference in the outcome. 'If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,' Trump said - meaning overturning the Electoral College results, which Pence said he did not have the power to do.

The final substantive paragraph, which he defended, told his supporters that 'we' would march to the Capitol to 'take back our country.'

'So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue - I love Pennsylvania Avenue - and we are going to the Capitol.,' he said.

'And we are going to try and give — the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote — but we are going to try to give our Republicans — the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country,' Trump said. 'So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.'

He in fact returned to the White House.  

Trump's initial response to the MAGA riot was to release a video message where he told his followers he loved them.

'We love you, you're very special,' he said in the short video posted to his Twitter account, which was still active at the time.

And he reiterated his original message, which had helped incite the mob, that the election had been stolen.

'I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it. Especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace,' he said.

His message appeared to have no effect on the mob, who was heard yelling for Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The day after the riots, Trump released a second video message where he acknowledged a 'new administration' was coming into the White House but he didn't congratulate President-elect Joe Biden nor even mention his name. He also denounced the mob.

'Those who violently besieged our Capitol, are the opposite of everything this administration stands for. The core value of our administration is the idea that all citizens have the right to live and safety, peace and freedom. Those who are working in this building are working to ensure an orderly transition of power. Now it is time for America to unites to come together to reject the violence that we have seen, we are one American people, full, under God,' he said.

It is not known which group of lawyers are currently advising Trump on his role before and during the riots. Lawyer Rudy Giuliani spoke before Trump at the rally, telling participants to engage in 'trial by combat.' Lawyer Cleta Mitchell was on the line during Trump's call to ask a Georgia election official to 'find' 11,780 votes, but she resigned from her firm in the aftermath.

Trump broke his public silence after revealing his false belief that 'ANTIFA people' were behind Wednesday's riot in a private call to the most senior Republican in the House - who claimed that the president does accept some blame for the unrest that killed five people.

And he also publicly contradicted Kevin McCarthy, the fiercely loyal House Minority Leader, who told House Republicans on Monday that Trump bears some blame for last week's deadly Capitol riots and has accepted some responsibility, Politico reported, citing four Republican sources on a private call. 

That left McCarthy publicly embarrassed, at a time when his caucus is splitting over what to do about Trump and donors are deserting.

Trump's abdication of responsibility came amid mounting fears that the violence is not over.

On Monday evening lawmakers were briefed by law enforcement that there were three active plots, including one involving 4,000 'armed patriots' planning to surround Congress. They had been issued with 'rules of engagement,' Conor Lamb (D-PA) told CNN - meaning when they would shoot people.

Trump on Monday declared a state of emergency in D.C. amid ratcheting tensions over violent plots which could rock Capitol Hill ahead of Biden's inauguration.

The declaration allows the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate with local authorities as Democrats had been demanding.

Last week's chaos resulted in the deaths of four rioters and one Capitol Police officer from his wounds and the suicide of another; dozens of injuries; and extensive damage throughout the ransacked building. 

McCarthy strongly pushed back against Trump's claim that the rioters were Left-wing agitators intent on discrediting Trump and his followers - a claim made by staunchly pro-Trump congressman Matt Gaetz, and repeated by Fox News' anchors and pundits.

'It's not ANTIFA, it's MAGA,' McCarthy replied, according to Axios

Speaking again: Trump spoke to reporters as he prepared to board Air Force One for Texas, where he is inspecting his border wall

Not me: Trump denied all responsibility for the MAGA riot saying that it had been 'analyzed' and was 'appropriate.' He offered no suggestion for who provided the analysis

Not me: Trump denied all responsibility for the MAGA riot saying that it had been 'analyzed' and was 'appropriate.' He offered no suggestion for who provided the analysis

Is this the nuclear football? A military aide accompanied the president up the steps of Air Force one with two briefcases which appear similar to the book of command codes which Trump has access to. Late last week Nancy Pelosi sought assurances from Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that a 'deranged' president could not use them

Is this the nuclear football? A military aide accompanied the president up the steps of Air Force one with two briefcases which appear similar to the book of command codes which Trump has access to. Late last week Nancy Pelosi sought assurances from Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that a 'deranged' president could not use them

Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, told Trump that he was wrong to blame ANTIFA for Wednesday's chaos

Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, told Trump that he was wrong to blame ANTIFA for Wednesday's chaos

Trump on Wednesday had told his supporters they needed to 'fight' to overturn the election

Trump on Wednesday had told his supporters they needed to 'fight' to overturn the election

People shelter in the House gallery as protesters try to break into the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday

People shelter in the House gallery as protesters try to break into the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday

Kevin McCarthy, the fiercely loyal House Minority Leader, told House Republicans on Monday that Trump bears some blame for last week's deadly Capitol riots. Pictured: McCarthy talks with President Donald Trump during an event in February 2020

Kevin McCarthy, the fiercely loyal House Minority Leader, told House Republicans on Monday that Trump bears some blame for last week's deadly Capitol riots. Pictured: McCarthy talks with President Donald Trump during an event in February 2020

'I know. I was there,' McCarthy said, according to a White House official and another source familiar with the call.

McCarthy later reiterated his position during a two-hour meeting with Republicans in the House, telling them there is 'undisputedly' no evidence that people linked to ANTIFA participated in the insurrection.

The theory that anti-Trump agitators stirred up the unrest has been decisively debunked. Those arrested so far for their part in the riots have in many cases a long and public history of supporting the president: none of those detained has been a supporter of ANTIFA. 

Trump, during the tense 30 minute conversation with McCarthy on Monday morning, also continued to insist that the election had been stolen from him.

McCarthy, exasperated, told him: 'Stop it. It's over. The election is over.' 

The ensuing chaos at the Capitol resulted in the deaths of four rioters and one Capitol Police officer; dozens of injuries; and extensive damage throughout the ransacked building. Pictured: Rioters breach the Capitol building on January 6

The ensuing chaos at the Capitol resulted in the deaths of four rioters and one Capitol Police officer; dozens of injuries; and extensive damage throughout the ransacked building. Pictured: Rioters breach the Capitol building on January 6

After Trump told his supporters to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, he retreated to the White House to watch it on TV

After Trump told his supporters to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, he retreated to the White House to watch it on TV

Capitol Police were woefully unprepared to meet the mob which marched on Trump's orders

Capitol Police were woefully unprepared to meet the mob which marched on Trump's orders

The rioters easily barged past the Capitol Police and stormed the building

The rioters easily barged past the Capitol Police and stormed the building

The mob overran the Capitol Police shortly after Trump urged them to 'fight' on his behalf

The mob overran the Capitol Police shortly after Trump urged them to 'fight' on his behalf

Police try to hold back protesters pushing into a doorway at the Capitol on Wednesday

Police try to hold back protesters pushing into a doorway at the Capitol on Wednesday


The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution deals with presidential authority in the event of death or removal from office, and was ratified in 1967, in the wake of John F Kennedy's assassination.

What does the 25th Amendment say?

It is in four sections, all dealing with the president leaving office during his or her elected term. 

The first section states that the vice president takes over the Oval Office if the president dies or resigns – or is removed – something which the original Constitution did not clearly state.

Presidents of course can be removed by impeachment, a feature of the constitution from the start. They can also be removed through the 25th Amendment - of which more below.

Section II states that if the vice president dies, or resigns – or is fired – both the House and Senate have to confirm a new vice president. Until 1967, presidents could change vice presidents mid-term on their own if they got the vice president to agree to resign - not something that actually happened, but which was possible in principle.

Section III makes clear that a president can temporarily delegate his powers to the vice president, and later reclaim them when he - or she - is capable of serving. This is most often invoked if a president is under the influence of surgical anesthetic for a short period of time. 

Section IV is the amendment's most controversial part: it describes how the president can be removed from office if he is incapacitated and does not leave on his own.

The vice president and 'a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide' must write to both the president pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, saying that 'the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.'

The term principal officers of the executive departments would normally mean the cabinet secretaries.

So at least eight of the president's 15 most senior Cabinet members together with the vice president must agree that a president should be removed before any plan can move forward.

Notifying the House Speaker and the Senate president pro tempore is the act that immediately elevates the vice president to an 'acting president' role.

The deposed president can contest the claim, giving the leaders of the bloodless coup four days to re-assert their claims to the House and Senate. 

Congress then has two days to convene – unless it is already in session – and another 21 days to vote on whether the president is incapable of serving. A two-thirds majority in both houses is required to make that determination.

As soon as there is a vote with a two-thirds majority, the president loses his powers and is removed, and the vice president stops acting and is sworn in as president.

But if 21 days of debate and votes ends without a two-thirds majority, the president gets back his powers.

What could happen to trigger the 25th Amendment?

Vice President Mike Pence and eight of the 15 'principal' Cabinet members would have to agree to notify Congress that President Donald Trump was incapable of running the country.

That group is made up of the Secretary of State, Treasury Secretary, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Interior Secretary, Agriculture Secretary, Commerce Secretary, Labor Secretary, Health and Human Services Secretary, Transportation Secretary, Energy Secretary , Education Secretary, Veterans Affairs Secretary and Homeland Security Secretary.

Their formal notification would go to the House Speaker and, in the senate, to the 'president pro tempore', the Senate's most senior member. As soon as the letter is sent, Pence would become 'acting president.'

Alternatively, Congress could set up its own mechanism to decide if he is fit for office - maybe a commission, or a joint committee. Pence would still have to agree with its conclusion and then write formally to the Speaker and president pro tempore.

Or another possibility is that the pool of 'principal officers' is considered to be bigger than the 15 and a majority of that group call Trump incapable.

What if Trump does not agree?

If Trump claims he is capable of holding office, he would write to the House Speaker and the president pro tempore of the Senate within four days, setting up three weeks of intense debate in both houses of Congress.

Trump would be removed from office if both two-thirds majorities in both the House and Senate agreed with Pence and his cabal. 

If either of both chambers fell short of that mark, Trump would retain his powers and likely embark on a wholesale housecleaning, firing Pence and replacing disloyal Cabinet members.

Are there any loopholes?

The 25th Amendment allows Congress to appoint its own panel to evaluate the president instead of relying on the Cabinet – the men and women who work most closely with Trump – to decide on  a course of action.

It specifies that some 'other body as Congress may by law provide' could play that role, but Pence would still need to agree with any finding that the president is incapable of discharging his duties.

That commission could hypothetically include anyone from presidential historians to psychiatrists, entrusted to assess the president's fitness for office. 

Another loophole is that it does not spell out that the Cabinet is needed to agree, but says that the 'principal officers' of the departments are needed. That term is undefined in the constitution. In some departments legislation appears to name not just the secretary but deputies and even undersecretaries as 'principal officers', so many more people could be called in to the assessment of Trump's fitness. 

But Trump's cabinet has a swathe of 'acting' cabinet officer - and it is unclear if they could therefore take part in removing him. 

Could Trump fire Pence if he rebelled?

No. The vice president can resign or be impeached and removed - but he does not serve at the pleasure of the president.  

Is there any precedent for this?

No.  Only Section III, the voluntary surrender of presidential powers, has ever been used - and only very briefly.

In December 1978, President Jimmy Carter thought about invoking Section III when he was contemplating a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids. 

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush both voluntarily relinquished their powers while undergoing procedures under anesthetic. 

Section IV has also never been invoked, although there have been claims that Ronald Reagan's chief of staff Donald Regan told his successor, Howard Baker,  in 1987 that he should be prepared to invoke it because Reagan was inattentive and inept.

The PBS documentary 'American Experience' recounts how Baker and his team watched Reagan closely for signs of incapacity during their first meeting and decided he was in perfect command of himself.  

McCarthy told Trump that he believes the president should call Biden and continue the tradition of meeting with him for a handover, prior to the inauguration.

He also said Trump should follow tradition and leave a welcome letter in the Resolute Desk for his successor.

Trump said he had not yet decided whether to do so. 

Democrats are now poised to impeach Trump this week for 'inciting an insurrection.'

Some Republicans are expected to join Democrats in the vote to impeach Trump, but the U.S. Senate is unlikely to convene in time to consider the article before Trump leaves office at noon on Jan. 20.

In a memo to Republicans ahead of the call Monday, McCarthy told fellow lawmakers he does not back impeachment and suggested other measures, including censure of the president.

Republicans have been left deeply shaken and divided by Wednesday's events.

Some, such as Senators Lisa Murkowski and Pat Toomey, have said they want the president to resign.

Others are furious that it took Trump nearly 24 hours to release a video condemning the violence and lawlessness that overtook Capitol Hill, and saw the Senate chamber broken into by the mob.

Trump supporters, egged on by the president himself, stormed the Capitol on Wednesday

Trump supporters, egged on by the president himself, stormed the Capitol on Wednesday

The mostly maskless crowd flooded the halls of the Capitol with little resistance from Capitol Police

The mostly maskless crowd flooded the halls of the Capitol with little resistance from Capitol Police

Rioters stormed the hallways of Congress plundering items and desecrating the building

Rioters stormed the hallways of Congress plundering items and desecrating the building 

Capitol police officers point their guns at a door that was vandalized in the House Chamber during a joint session of Congress

Capitol police officers point their guns at a door that was vandalized in the House Chamber during a joint session of Congress

A MAGA rioter who put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi 's desk was arrested along with a man who brought 11 Molotov cocktails, two handguns and an assault rifle to the Capitol on Wednesday

A MAGA rioter who put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi 's desk was arrested along with a man who brought 11 Molotov cocktails, two handguns and an assault rifle to the Capitol on Wednesday

They were further incensed by a report in The Washington Post, published on Monday, which claimed that Trump was slow to respond to their appeals for help because he was too gripped by live television coverage of the carnage.

The paper reported that McCarthy contacted Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, while Senator Lindsey Graham phoned Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter, to beg for help.

Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Trump confidante and former White House senior adviser, called an aide who she knew was standing at the president's side.  

Chris Christie, a close ally of the president's and a former governor of New Jersey, said he'd spent the last 25 minutes trying to reach Trump directly.

'The president caused this protest to occur; he's the only one who can make it stop,' Christie said. 

'The president has to come out and tell his supporters to leave the Capitol grounds and to allow the Congress to do their business peacefully. And anything short of that is an abdication of his responsibility.' 

The president still failed to react.

'He was hard to reach, and you know why? Because it was live TV,' said one close Trump adviser. 

'If it's TiVo, he just hits pause and takes the calls. If it's live TV, he watches it, and he was just watching it all unfold.' 

Trump watched with interest, pleased to see that his supporters were fighting so hard on his behalf, one close adviser told the paper. 

Graham, one of Trump's strongest supporters, admitted that the president was slow to realize the magnitude of the problem.

'It took him awhile to appreciate the gravity of the situation,' Graham told the paper. 

'The president saw these people as allies in his journey and sympathetic to the idea that the election was stolen.' 

The MAGA mob holding down a cop and beating him with a baton on Wednesday in a shocking new video still. The officer shown has not been identified yet. It's unclear if he is either of the cops who died. One was beaten with a fire extinguisher, according to police sources, and the other committed suicide after the riot

The MAGA mob holding down a cop and beating him with a baton on Wednesday in a shocking new video still. The officer shown has not been identified yet. It's unclear if he is either of the cops who died. One was beaten with a fire extinguisher, according to police sources, and the other committed suicide after the riot

In a different incident from the riot, Capitol cop Eugene Goodman is seen running away from the mob, leading them from the Senate. He is being hailed as a hero
In a different incident from the riot, Capitol cop Eugene Goodman is seen running away from the mob, leading them from the Senate. He is being hailed as a hero

In a different incident from the riot, Capitol cop Eugene Goodman is seen running away from the mob, leading them from the Senate. He is being hailed as a hero 


'Largest armed protest in American history' is one of three plots to attack the Capitol before Joe Biden's inauguration, cops reveal

Police revealed three plots to attack the Capitol ahead of Joe Biden's inauguration - including the 'largest armed protest in American history.' 

It comes as the FBI alerted its staff to possible uprisings at capitols in all 50 states ahead of Inauguration Day, particularly if Trump is removed from office before Biden enters the White House. 

Trump's declaration allows the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate with local authorities as Democrats had been furiously demanding.

On Monday night, the new chiefs of Capitol Police told House Democrats they were looking into three separate plans, including one described as 'the largest armed protest ever to take place on American soil.'

But the most concerning is said to involve armed rioters encircling the Capitol and blocking Democrats from entering - killing them if necessary - so that Republicans can take command of government.

Another protest is being planned in honor of Ashli Babbitt, the USAF veteran who was shot at point blank range by a police officer as she tried to clamber into the Speaker's Lobby during the Trump mob's siege. 

'It was pretty overwhelming,' one Democrat told Huffington Post of the police briefing. 

Meanwhile the FBI's internal memo warned of a group which was calling for the 'storming' of state, local and federal government buildings, as well as court houses if Trump is removed from office.

The bulletin came to light just as Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced an article of impeachment accusing Trump of incitement to insurrection, five days after the mob of the president's supporters stormed the Capitol, leaving five people dead in a futile bid to overturn the general election.   

Members of the New York National Guard form up on the East Front of the US Capitol in Washington DC on Monday. More than 6,000 members of the National Guard were deployed to Washington, DC, over the weekend, with dozens of them standing guard over the Capitol during Monday's proceedings

Members of the New York National Guard form up on the East Front of the US Capitol in Washington DC on Monday. More than 6,000 members of the National Guard were deployed to Washington, DC, over the weekend, with dozens of them standing guard over the Capitol during Monday's proceedings

Trump speaks to his supporters at a rally on Wednesday hours before hundreds of his fans stormed the Capitol Building in DC during violence which left five people dead

Trump speaks to his supporters at a rally on Wednesday hours before hundreds of his fans stormed the Capitol Building in DC during violence which left five people dead

Members of the Washington National Guard surround the Washington State Capitol as the Legislature opens the 2021 session in Olympia, Washington on January 11, 2021. The FBI is warning of local uprisings possible in all 50 states

Members of the Washington National Guard surround the Washington State Capitol as the Legislature opens the 2021 session in Olympia, Washington on January 11, 2021. The FBI is warning of local uprisings possible in all 50 states

A supporter of President Donald Trump listens to speakers during a rally outside the state capitol in Washington over the weekend. He wears a t-shirt which says: 'Trump still my president'

A supporter of President Donald Trump listens to speakers during a rally outside the state capitol in Washington over the weekend. He wears a t-shirt which says: 'Trump still my president'

With Joe Biden's inauguration fast approaching in nine days, Washington, DC, and cities around the US are bracing for violent protests similar to that which left five people dead at the Capitol last week. Pictured: Members of the New York National Guard line up on the East Front of the Capitol on Monday morning

With Joe Biden's inauguration fast approaching in nine days, Washington, DC, and cities around the US are bracing for violent protests similar to that which left five people dead at the Capitol last week. Pictured: Members of the New York National Guard line up on the East Front of the Capitol on Monday morning 

National Guardsmen were also deployed to the Washington State Capitol in Olympia, where protesters gathered on Monday

National Guardsmen were also deployed to the Washington State Capitol in Olympia, where protesters gathered on Monday 

A protester uses a megaphone to address a crowd outside the Washington State Capitol on Monday

A protester uses a megaphone to address a crowd outside the Washington State Capitol on Monday 

The Department of Homeland Security is working with the DoD, local DC authorities and inauguration officials to sharpen the law enforcement response in the coming days, including by erecting non-scalable fencing (pictured on Sunday) and security checkpoints around Capitol Hill

The Department of Homeland Security is working with the DoD, local DC authorities and inauguration officials to sharpen the law enforcement response in the coming days, including by erecting non-scalable fencing (pictured on Sunday) and security checkpoints around Capitol Hill

A protective fence is seen outside the US Supreme Court on Sunday as officials prepare for violence around Inauguration Day

A protective fence is seen outside the US Supreme Court on Sunday as officials prepare for violence around Inauguration Day

More than 6,000 members of the National Guard were deployed to Washington, DC, over the weekend, with dozens of them standing guard over the Capitol during Monday's proceedings.

Capitol Police told Congress that it was preparing for up to tens of thousands of Trump supporters arriving in the days ahead, including possible violence to take control of the White House and the Supreme Court.

Working alongside their colleagues in the National Guard, the police are said to have told Democrats that they had agreed on rules of engagement in the eventuality of an armed demonstration.

They do not plan to shoot anyone unless fired at first, but they added that there were exceptions to the rule.

The police urged caution on lawmakers about leaking any specifics to the press because Big Tech had so successfully 'cut off main communications' that many could now only learn of plans through traditional media. 

One member remarked that the Silicon Valley gagging order on Trump's supporters 'might ultimately save lives.' 

But as the Capitol Police expressed confidence it was making sufficient plans to combat any violent uprisings, some lawmakers questioned whether this was the case given the lax security last week.

One Democrat told the police chiefs that there was clear evidence that some in the police department could be 'in league with the insurrectionists who love to carry their guns.'

'You can't just let them bypass security and walk right up to Biden and Harris at inauguration,' this lawmaker told HuffPost. 

A further area of Democrat speculation surrounded whether the Trump administration was preventing federal law enforcement from lending its expertise to the police. 

The member told the HuffPost: 'I don't think anyone has confidence that the folks at the Pentagon, that may or may not even be needed for some of this, or the Department of Homeland Security, where we don't even know who's in charge, are going to be cooperative.' 

The Pentagon is now considering sending as many as 13,000 guardsmen to secure the nation's capital on Inauguration Day, January 20. Prior to the Capitol breach, officials had planned to deploy roughly 7,000 guardsmen

Capitol Police are working together with National Guardsmen to patrol the area surrounding Capitol Hill

Capitol Police are working together with National Guardsmen to patrol the area surrounding Capitol Hill 

Traffic is blocked on the West Front of the Capitol building on Monday morning

Traffic is blocked on the West Front of the Capitol building on Monday morning  

A Capitol Police officer patrols a closed roadway near the Capitol building on Monday morning

A Capitol Police officer patrols a closed roadway near the Capitol building on Monday morning

The National Park Service said Monday it would close the Washington Monument and other area facilities beginning today and lasting through January 24.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is reportedly considering sending as many as 13,000 guardsmen to secure the area on Inauguration Day. Prior to last week's breach, officials had planned to deploy roughly 7,000 guardsmen. 

The hardened-up security plans come after the Department of Defense said it was aware of 'further possible threats posed by would-be terrorists in the days up to and including Inauguration Day', Congressman Jason Crow (D - Colorado) said in a statement Sunday after speaking with Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy about security preparations. 

The Department of Homeland Security is working with the Defense Department, local DC authorities and inauguration officials to sharpen the law enforcement response in the coming days, including by erecting non-scalable fencing and security checkpoints around Capitol Hill. 

'Now that it happened people will take it much more seriously,' a senior DHS official told CNN in reference to last week's violence. 'Now, the planners, they are all going to take it much more seriously.'  

Federal and local authorities have faced fierce criticism for their perceived failure to crack down on Wednesday's insurrection despite evidence that they knew it was coming. 

Hundreds of people might now face federal charges in the wake of last week's Capitol breach, DC's acting US attorney said in an interview with NPR over the weekend, saying a massive, 24-hour-a-day hunt was on to identify suspects and bring charges against them.

In the meantime,  DC Mayor Muriel Bowser said she is 'extremely concerned' about security on Inauguration Day in a letter to acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf over the weekend. She wrote that the event 'will require a very different approach to previous inaugurations given the chaos, injury and death experienced at the US Capitol during the insurrection'.   

On Monday the National Park Service announced that the National Mall and Memorial Parks will be shuttered until January 24 'in response to credible threats' after last week's riots.  

Monday's FBI bulletin said the bureau is aware of plans for armed protests in every single state between January 16 and 20 - with one major demonstration slated to take place in Washington, DC, on January 17.

On Monday the National Park Service announced that the National Mall and Memorial Parks will be shuttered until January 24 'in response to credible threats' after last week's riots

On Monday the National Park Service announced that the National Mall and Memorial Parks will be shuttered until January 24 'in response to credible threats' after last week's riots

A National Parks Police vehicle sits near the Washington Monument on Monday after it was closed to the public

A National Parks Police vehicle sits near the Washington Monument on Monday after it was closed to the public

Images of Trump supporters clambering up the walls of the Capitol - supposedly one of the most secure buildings in the United States - and smashing their way in with little resistance shocked the world on Wednesday

Images of Trump supporters clambering up the walls of the Capitol - supposedly one of the most secure buildings in the United States - and smashing their way in with little resistance shocked the world on Wednesday

It said an 'identified armed group', which was not named directly, intends to travel to the nation's capital ahead of the protest on January 16. 'They have warned that if Congress attempts to remove POTUS via the 25th Amendment a huge uprising will occur,' the bulletin stated, according to ABC News correspondent Aaron Katersky. 

Twitter cited online chatter about a 'proposed secondary attack' on the US Capitol and its counterparts in all 50 states when it moved to suspend Trump's account on Friday.  

'Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021,' the company wrote in a blog post, without offering further detail.

Twitter was believed to be referring to the same chatter cited in the FBI bulletin.  

Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are set to be sworn in on the west front of the US Capitol on January 20 before participating in a Pass in Review on the east front and then receiving a traditional escort to the White House by representatives from every branch of the military. 

Biden's team has remained adamant that the inaugural events, which were paired down prior to the MAGA riots to avoid drawing large crowds rife for transmission of coronavirus, should go forward despite last Wednesday's events.  

'We are confident in our security partners who have spent months planning and preparing for the inauguration, and we are continuing to work with them to ensure the utmost safety and security of the president-elect,' a senior Biden inauguration official said last week.

'This will mark a new day for the American people focused on healing our nation, bringing our country together and building it back better.' 




Wednesday's Capitol riots: Who has been arrested so far? Neo-Nazis and QAnon conspiracy theorists

Dozens of people have already been arrested and prosecutors across the U.S. have vowed to bring to justice those who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, sending lawmakers into hiding as they began their work to affirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

The group included white nationalists, neo-Nazis and QAnon conspiracy theorists, coming from states as far-flung as Arizona and Oregon, while photographs from the riot have shown people wearing clothes with a range of antisemitic messages and imagery. 

The former wife of retired Lt. Col Larry Rendall Brock Jr., 53, called the FBI's National Threat Operations Center Friday to report that she'd recognized her ex, who was pictured carrying plastic handcuffs and wearing full military gear.

Brock has since been arrested slapped with federal charges, as was an Nashville bartender, 30, who attended Capitol riot with his mom and was also pictured carrying zip-ties and wearing full paramilitary gear. 

Eric Munchel, a Nashville bartender, 30, has been named as the man pictured in the Senate press gallery with a bundle of flex-cuffs, heavy duty restraints used by law enforcement in mass arrests on Wednesday. He attended the riot with his mother.

News of the pair's arrests came on Sunday as Ryan McCarthy, Army Secretary, said that at least 25 domestic terrorist cases have been opened up following Wednesday's assault on the Capitol. 

Both men are charged with knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rendall Brock Jr., 53, was among the violent mob of Donald Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol Wednesday in a riot that left five including one police officer dead

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rendall Brock Jr., 53, (at the riots) was among the violent mob of Donald Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol Wednesday in a riot that left five including one police officer dead 

Eric Munchel has been named as the man pictured with a bundle of flex-cuffs

Eric Munchel has been named as the man pictured with a bundle of flex-cuffs

Further arrests have also been made. 

One Trump supporter, who allegedly told his friends that he wanted to shoot and run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has been arrested on federal charges stemming from the riot at the Capitol last week as authorities arrest an Alabama man with possessing 11 Molotov cocktails near the building.  

The Miami Herald reported that the man photographed standing at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's lectern was named Adam Johnson from Parrish Florida. The 36-year-old father of five posted on Facebook that he was in Washington, and was later arrested on a Federal warrant.

Another man, widely photographed wearing face paint, a horned, fur hat and extensive tattoos in the Senate chamber and the Capitol's corridors, was charged with counts including violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

He has been named as self-styled 'QAnnon shaman' Jacob Anthony Chansley of Arizona, more commonly known as Jake Angeli. 

A 41-year-old Iowa man named Doug Jensen, who was seen in videos chasing a black police officer up a flight of stairs, was jailed early Sunday on federal charges including trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Richard Barnett (pictured), of Arkansas, who was photographed sitting at a desk in Pelosi's office was also arrested

Richard Barnett (pictured), of Arkansas, who was photographed sitting at a desk in Pelosi's office was also arrested

Richard Barnett, the Arkansas man shown in a widely seen photo sitting in Pelosi's office with his boots on the desk. He is charged with crimes including theft of public money, property or records

Richard Barnett, the Arkansas man shown in a widely seen photo sitting in Pelosi's office with his boots on the desk. He is charged with crimes including theft of public money, property or records

Jacob Anthony Chansley, the heavily-tattooed Trump supporter who sported horns, a fur hat and face paint as he occupied the Senate dais, was also arrested on Saturday

Jacob Anthony Chansley, the heavily-tattooed Trump supporter who sported horns, a fur hat and face paint as he occupied the Senate dais, was also arrested on Saturday

Defendants facing federal charges include Richard Barnett, the Arkansas man shown in a widely seen photo sitting in Pelosi's office with his boots on the desk. Barnett is charged with crimes including theft of public money, property or records.

Another man being tried in federal court, Lonnie Coffman of Falkville, Alabama, was arrested after authorities say they found guns and 11 Molotov cocktail explosive devices made out of Mason jars, golf tees and cloth rags in his pickup truck. 

West Virginia lawmaker Derrick Evans - who posted videos showing himself pushing hi way into the Capitol building - was arrested on Friday by the FBI and charged with entering restricted federal property.

Evans resigned from his position in a letter to West Virginia governor Jim Justice, apologising for his involvement. In his own livestream, he was seen joining Trump supporters rushing into the building, shouting 'Our house!' 

Rendall Brock, a father-of-three who now lives in Dallas, was pictured on the Senate floor Wednesday after the group had broken through barricades, pushed back law enforcement and sent lawmakers fleeing for safety.    

Images show him wearing a combat helmet, body armor and a vinyl tag with the Punisher skull on - a symbol adopted by white supremacists and believers of conspiracy theory QAnon.

Johnson, who was pictured inside the Capitol making off with a lectern, appears to have removed his social media platforms in the aftermath of the siege

Johnson, who was pictured inside the Capitol making off with a lectern, appears to have removed his social media platforms in the aftermath of the siege

He carried zip-tie handcuffs and appeared to be speaking with fellow rioters, several of which were dressed in MAGA caps.  

Brock, who was in the Air Force for more than two decades and now works for an aviation company, was also seen in footage, shot by ITV News, appearing to exit Nancy Pelosi's office - which was vandalized and looted in the chaos. 

'It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the US Capitol,' a DoJ statement said.

Eric Munchel, 30, is pictured in his mugshot having been arrested in Nashville on Sunday

Eric Munchel, 30, is pictured in his mugshot having been arrested in Nashville on Sunday

It added he had been 'wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects'.        

Bartender Munchel told The Times of London: 'We wanted to show that we're willing to rise up, band together and fight if necessary. Same as our forefathers, who established this country in 1776. It was a kind of flexing of muscles.'

His mother, Lisa Eisenhart, 57, said: 'The left has everything: the media, organizations, the government. We have to organize if we're going to fight back and be heard.'

The nurse, who wore a bullet proof vest like her son, added: 'This country was founded on revolution. If they're going to take every legitimate means from us, and we can't even express ourselves on the internet, we won't even be able to speak freely, what is America for?

'I'd rather die as a 57-year-old woman than live under oppression. I'd rather die and would rather fight.' 

The pair are said to have driven from Nashville, Tennessee for the protest.    

Brock, 53, has already admitted he invaded the Senate floor and roamed Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office dressed in combat gear and carrying zip-tie cuffs. 

But he told The New Yorker he thought he was welcome to enter the U.S. Capitol and claimed he 'found' the zip ties on the floor and merely picked them up so he could hand them in to a police officer. 

The FBI is said to be investigating whether any of Trump's supporters who attacked the U.S. Capitol were conspiring to hurt lawmakers or take them hostage. 

'We're not looking at this as a grand conspiracy, but we are interested in learning what people would do with things like zip ties,' a law enforcement official told The Washington Post.

The FBI has asked for help in tracking down those responsible for 'rioting and violence' in the Capitol, with some of the mob already identified online. 

The top federal prosecutor for the District of Columbia has said 'all options are on the table' for charging the rioters, many of whom were egged on by President Donald Trump's speech hours earlier at a rally over his election loss. 

Trump addressed his thousands of his supporters near the White House Wednesday at his 'Save America' rally and declared war on his own party, calling Republicans who opposed him 'weak'

Investigators are combing through photos, videos and tips from the public to track down members of the violent mob.

A Capitol Police officer died after he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher as rioters descended on the building and many other officers were injured. 

A woman from California was shot to death by Capitol Police and three other people died after medical emergencies during the chaos. 

The U.S. attorney's office for D.C., which handles both local and federal cases in the district, had filed 17 cases in federal court and at least 40 others in the Superior Court by Saturday. 

The cases in Superior Court mainly have to do with things like curfew violations and gun crimes. 

Those being tried in federal court, where prosecutors can generally secure longer sentences, are charged with things like violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, assaulting a federal law enforcement officer and threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Prosecutors say these charges are just the beginning. Authorities said Friday that said additional cases remained under seal and dozens of other people were being sought by federal agents.

US attorneys in several states, including Kentucky, Ohio and Oregon, said people could face charges in their home states if they traveled to Washington and took part in the riot. 

Investigators will also consider whether there was any concerted plot targeting Vice Presiden